
Techstars Economic Mobility Powered by Samvid Ventures

This program is for talented entrepreneurs designing innovative solutions that generate greater economic mobility for low- and moderate-income Americans, i.e., the 60%+ of Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck. We are looking for solutions that help people increase earnings and savings, reduce costs, and improve quality of life. These may come from a wide variety of sectors, including but not limited to: education, personal finance, future of work, health & wellness, housing, insurance & benefits access, legal support, and beyond.

New York, New York


"I'm energized by supporting great founders who have the potential to make a substantial impact.”

Keith Camhi, Managing Director
Read the Q+A

About the Accelerator

In this program, we support talented entrepreneurs designing innovative solutions to address economic mobility. This accelerator runs in New York City and is for companies operating in the U.S. market. If you operate in another market, please explore other programs. Some representative stats about economic opportunity in the US market include:

  • 4 in 10 Americans find it difficult to cover their expenses each month (US Census) and struggle to pay for basic needs such as groceries or housing. (Economic Policy Institute)

  • More than 3 in 4 Americans struggle to save or invest after paying for their monthly expenses. (

  • Economic factors have profound and prolonged impacts on health, and in various American cities, average life expectancies can vary by 20-30 years for communities that are just miles apart. (NIH)

Learn more in the links below.

Behind the Scenes Look

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The Team

“I look for founders who have a unique insight into solving a big problem that they are passionately motivated to address.”
Keith Camhi
Managing Director
Felipe Rubio
Investment Manager
Robert Kelly
Program Manager



“Innovative solutions that reduce or eliminate barriers to economic opportunity are needed more than ever. We’re inspired by founders committed to this work.”
Pia Desai
Executive Director, Samvid Ventures
“Our world is full of opportunities to transform vicious cycles to virtuous cycles.”
Gemma Lenowitz
Program Director, Samvid Ventures


Taylor McLemore
Taylor McLemore
"Economic mobility is increasingly difficult in our society so the work these teams are doing is critical to allowing families and workers to thrive in a harsh economic landscape. I’m grateful to be able to help in my small way."
Amy Nelson
Chief Strategy Officer, Rethink Capital Partners
"Mentoring at Techstars is an invigorating experience that's connected me with many talented and caring founders. It's a privilege to work alongside inspired people shaping the world with determination and energy!"
Miles Jennings
Founder and CEO,
"As a former founder, what inspires me about founders is their wide-eyed curiosity and optimism to change the world for good. Through Techstars, being in a position to mentor amazing entrepreneurs brings it back full circle."
Steve Lee
CEO, SkillUp Coalition
"In a world with growing income inequality, I'm inspired to support founders who are creating opportunities that uplift unserved and overlooked communities."
Amanda Greco
Associate Director, Stanford GSB Center for Social Innovation
"The pursuit of upward economic mobility brings so many talented people together in this country, including immigrants from all over the world. As an immigrant myself, I believe in the power of this pursuit."
Manoj Jonna
Co-Founder & CEO, Ramped
"I'm inspired by each founder's passion for taking on real-world problems with solutions that challenge the status quo and benefit populations most in need."
Andy Greenberg
Managing Director, PwC
"While tech will never be a panacea, it can be a meaningful pathway to access - and working with the Techstars Economic Mobility cohort shows how inspiring new entrepreneurs are taking this as a challenge head-on."
Lexi Gervis
VP of Impact, Steady
"I enjoy mentoring startups because each founder is dedicated to solving a problem that serves the needs of others. I’m inspired by the founders who sacrifice their time and energy to take a chance to better the world."
Kimako Jones
Director of Business Strategy, Microsoft
"It’s amazing to see so many talented founders focused on economic mobility, creating pathways that empower marginalized communities."
Ian Beadle
Partner, Concrete Rose Capital
"Ultimately, mentoring startups is not just about imparting knowledge; it's about fostering growth, making a tangible difference, and contributing to the collective advancement of the entrepreneurial ecosystem."
Wendi Burkhardt
Managing Partner, Stage Fund