5 Questions with Felipe Arriola, Cofounder & CEO of BioEsol for Paris Techstars Accelerator

Jul 12, 2022

Felipe Arriola and Alejandra Alfaro, Cofounders of BioEsol, Techstars Paris class of April 2022

01. What about the launch of Bioesol?

BioEsol was founded in 2021 by a group of entrepreneurs (Alejandra, Felipe, Samuel and Gabriel)  with great experience founding startups and the energy sector, who wanted to prove that companies can rely on their operation with a Renewable Energy Solution, solving any energy disruption, lowering electrical costs, and having a positive impact on the environment. 

BioEsol's co-founders suffered and witnessed energy-related problems at different times in their careers. And the fact that they could not rely on renewable energies, generated a powerful incentive to look for a solution, that could really take advantage of the 100% and thus, contribute significantly to solving the problems related to energy, reduce CO2 emissions, and at the same time store a significant amount of kWh of clean energy.

02. How do you and your co-founders know each other?

Samuel and Grabiel have known each other for more than 30 years, from school, later co-founding the leading company in public LED luminaires. Felipe is Samuel's brother and has also known Gabriel for 20 years. Alejandra is Felipe's wife, with whom she has co-founded 2 startups and has known Samuel and Gabriel for 15 years. 

03. What did you enjoy most about the Paris Techstars Accelerator’s program and what are your biggest learnings?

What we liked the most was that from the first day we learned about the power of the Techstars network, we realized the importance of Techstars as the second most relevant accelerator globally.

We enjoyed working alongside the extraordinary co-founders of 11 other startups. They seek to generate a significant impact on the planet above all.

The most significant learning we took away is to be humble and open to receiving feedback, to be willing to challenge our ideas, and in the end, to make the decision most aligned with our vision and values.

04. What were some of the obstacles your company faced throughout the three months of the acceleration program?

To get the most out of the acceleration program and, at the same time, operate the company in an accelerated manner so that everything we have learned can be put into practice.

05. How do you plan to measure the impact of your company in the next 5 years?

  1. 220,569 tco2 saved by 2026

  2. Clean Energy stored  (kWh)

  3. Eliminate Company Interruptions ($/hrs)

  4. Electricity Cost Saving ($)

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