Techstars Bangalore Accelerator Announces the 2020 Class

Techstars Bangalore Accelerator Announces the 2020 Class

Jan 26, 2020

Editor’s Note: Due to global circumstances, Demo Day information indicated in this blog post may be inaccurate. As definitive demo day dates and information are determined, updated info will reflect on the main program page

Today, I am excited to officially announce the second class of the Techstars Bangalore Accelerator!

This class builds upon the success of our inaugural class in 2019 that included companies solving emerging markets problems in the areas of environment, medical care, financial inclusion, developer tools, transportation and enterprise communication, which captured the attention of the Indian and global investor communities. 

This year our disruptive startups are expanding our reach into new verticals including floriculture, media, sports-tech, warehousing-logistics and cloud computing. While all of our companies are for-profit businesses, I’m personally very inspired by their shared purpose to enable a positive impact on society through improvements in resource efficiency and lifestyle inclusivity.

After thousands of office hours and applicant interviews with founders from around the world, the majority of this class ended up being selected from within India, except for one team which is arriving all the way from Lagos, Nigeria. The founders are a diverse and skilled group of entrepreneurs who all possess a deep connection to the problems they are solving and the customers they are serving. We have founders in this class who have previously amassed audiences reaching 10’s of millions of consumers, founders who have successfully exited companies, and founders who’ve already bootstrapped their way to businesses that generate close to $1 million in recurring revenue. We even have a particle physicist from CERN in the group.

Bangalore has become a magnet for attracting India’s best startups and entrepreneurs, and our profile as a global tech centre has never been greater. I’m particularly proud to see great founders, corporate leaders, and investors from other developed and emerging markets interested in coming to India to learn about our business culture, distribution strategies, and designed-for-scale business models and infrastructure.

Techstars Bangalore Accelerator relies upon the tireless commitment of hundreds of people including mentors, alumni, investors, local and global corporate partners, and some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. Thanks to their involvement, we made a significant and positive impact which was felt throughout India and the world in 2019. With their continued support, I am thrilled to announce the class of Techstars Bangalore 2020!


ChintaMoney uses open banking merged with proprietary tools to provide financial well-being to consumers.


Fliqpay is a cryptocurrency payment gateway that helps businesses in Africa receive crypto-payments and settles in their local bank accounts instantly.

Game Theory

Game Theory is a sports tech company with a vision to bring Video Game like experience to the world of sports. Game Theory also runs and manages sports facilities and coaching programs


GSTInput is India’s largest  platform helping corporate avail  GST credit on travel expenses


Building the world’s strongest young workforce by universalizing student freelancing.


Lightwing helps you Optimise Your Cloud Spend with Consumption-based Automation.


ODWEN is an on-demand & pay-per-use discovery & booking platform for curated warehouse spaces. They are an Airbnb/ Oyo for warehouse spaces.


South Asia’s largest stock photo company

Q Blocks

Building a distributed supercomputer to help companies get 10 times faster computing results.

Rose Bazaar

Rose Bazaar is a flower subscription service catering to the vast demand for traditional flowers in India for daily prayer.