Get to know Dedalo AI from Techstars Sustainability Paris

Oct 15, 2024

Seif Chourbagi, CEO & Co-Founder | Francesco Musso, CSO & Co-Founder

Dedalo AI helps companies quantify and reduce the carbon footprint of their software and IT infrastructures. 

1.   Which is the problem that you are trying to mediate (and which UN SDG-s you are solving)?

 As the world becomes increasingly digital, the environmental impact of digital operations is often overlooked. Today, the IT sector accounts for about 13% of global energy demand, and it’s growing fast. If the internet were a country, it would be the third-largest energy consumer and the fourth-biggest polluter. Yet, many companies lack the tools and expertise to reduce their digital carbon footprint while still maintaining high performance.

Dedalo AI addresses this gap by providing an AI-driven solution that not only measures the energy consumption of websites and IT infrastructures but also recommends or automates optimizations. Our mission aligns with UN SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure and SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. We help businesses reduce energy waste, minimize emissions, and optimize their digital operations in a cost-effective way.

2.   How did the idea to create the company come to mind? How did your team come to be?

The idea for Dedalo AI was born out of our concern for the environmental impact of the growing digital sector. The founding team comes from diverse backgrounds in sales, sustainability, and technology, but we all shared a common goal: to make the digital world more sustainable. We saw that most IT solutions were focused on performance and security, but energy efficiency was often left out of the equation.

After months of research and collaboration with sustainability experts and institutions like Stanford University and the US Department of Energy, we developed a comprehensive platform that helps businesses measure, manage, and mitigate the environmental impact of their digital infrastructure. We wanted to create a tool that not only identifies problems but also solves them, empowering companies to take concrete actions towards sustainability immediately.

3.   Why did you choose to participate in the Paris Techstars accelerator program? What are you looking forward to the most?

We chose the Techstars Sustainability Paris Accelerator because of its strategic position at the heart of Europe, one of the most critical markets for our business. France, and Europe as a whole, are leading the charge in environmental regulations, particularly regarding corporate sustainability and carbon reduction. The EU’s evolving regulatory landscape, such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), creates a fertile environment for Dedalo AI’s solutions. Paris, as a hub of innovation and sustainability, connects us with key stakeholders, large enterprises, and regulatory bodies that are crucial for our market entry and growth.

We’re looking forward to leveraging these connections to expand our footprint in Europe and beyond, working with mentors and partners who understand both the market demands and the regulatory push for greener digital solutions. Techstars Paris is perfectly positioned to help us navigate and capitalize on these opportunities.

4.   What are you the most proud of in your initial journey with your company?

We are incredibly proud of having been part of the first batch of Vento's venture building program, which was instrumental in taking us from zero to one. This experience provided the foundation for Dedalo AI and allowed us to rapidly turn our vision into a reality. The backing of international investors, such as Berkeley Skydeck and a Sequoia Scout, further validated our approach and gave us the confidence to scale.

Another key milestone was being able to work from the very early stages with Heiner Von Brachel, our first mentor, in a user group dedicated to Sustainable IT. This group, which includes many significant organizations, has been pivotal in helping us validate the problems we are solving and refining our perspective on the path we want to follow. Now, being part of Techstars Paris, we feel even more empowered to continue on our journey to make digital operations more sustainable.


5.   How do you plan to measure the positive impact of your company in the next 5 years? Environmentally focused question.

 In the next five years, we plan to measure our impact by focusing on the reduction of digital carbon emissions for our clients. As Dedalo AI scales across Europe and beyond, we aim to help businesses cut down their energy consumption by at least 30%, leading to significant reductions in their digital carbon footprints.

Our platform will provide detailed analytics on emissions reductions, energy savings, and financial benefits, helping companies meet their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while improving their profitability. We expect to work with over 1,000 companies, contributing to the mitigation of hundreds of thousands of tons of CO2 emissions annually by optimizing their digital operations.

Good Luck Dedalo AI!

For the latest news, please visit our Linkedin page.

#Techstars Sustainability Paris